Torah Orah is an independent online chavurah that offers one-hour Shabbat evening services at 8:30 Eastern Time. We emphasize interactive Torah study for half of the service where you are invited to make comments or ask questions. Our name, which means "Torah is illumination," is a reflection of that focus. The service itself, a blend of Reconstructionist and other traditions, includes songs and special readings from both ancient and modern Jewish sources along with the Shema and Amidah. Attendance is free and open to all who wish to partake of a supportive atmosphere. There is no board and no dues; one becomes a member through regular attendance.

Click here or write to to reach Steven Jon Kaplan who will respond soon to your email, or else telephone us at (201) 246-0003. Please do not send a text message as there is no way to verify who has sent it. We have people joining us from all over the world and we welcome people from any background. We extend a special invitation to those who were formerly members of Congregation B'nai Israel of Kearny and North Arlington. We do not post our Zoom link anywhere on the internet so you must contact us directly to receive it.

If you wish to chat with us about religious or personal matters then please feel free to do so at any time.

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: We began our Zoom services in March 2020 and haven't missed a single week, although sometimes the time of the service has to be adjusted.